Monday, 2 May 2011

Labour Party Response

Last week, Bury Action Group sent out a request to all candidates to answer a number of questions on where their party stands on a number of issues, and how they would approach them if elected.

Labour Party - Mike Connolly
Constituency - East Ward

Dear Sue/George,

Thank you for your email. Following my conversation with George I enclose the submission on behalf of all Labour candidates to your queries.

Budget cuts

We would direct officers to restore the universal Youth Service - obviously we would need to look at how we finance it but there is a definate committment to restoration of the service.

LAP's would be restored immediately.

The School crossing patrols that have been axed would be restored immediateley.

The Park Ranger Service would be restored.

Transformation Strategy

As you are aware the Labour Group is totally opposed to the Transformation Strategy in its current format. We are opposed to the wholesale privatisation of our services. We accept that we need to look at different ways of working but do not see outsourcing as the answer. The Labour Group policy is quite clear. We will always start from the premise that services will be delivered in house.

We see it as crucial that in reviewing services, consultation with staff, partners, service users, Trades Unions and stakeholders is of paramount importance. No decisions will be made on the future of any service without full and meaningful consultation with all concerned.

Making an impact as a Councillor

Again the Labour Group has consistently voiced concerns about the decision making processes in the Council. 

We will re - instate the Executive model along with the restoration of public question times at all meetings without the need for written notice. All decisions will be taken in public as far as practically possible. We will also re -instate an all party Executive with full voting rights to Opposition Councillors.

We have been concerned about the level of Scrutiny in the Council. We will immediately commission a review of the Scrutiny process to establish a system which not only provides effective challenge and scrutiny of decision making but contributes to policy making and enhances the role of non Executive Members, partners and members of the public.

In terms of future budget setting the Labour Group will ensure that there is a full, inclusive and meaningful consultation process established.

In the current financial climate it is accepted that difficult decisions will need to be made, but be assured that the Labour Group will always be open, transparent and inclusive throughout the budget proces and will always seek to protect frontline services. However, we will not set an illegal budget,that woiuld not be in the interests of those we seek to serve as it would surely result in the Council then being administered by Officers.

I hope this clarifies some of the issues you raise. Our Manifesto is on line and available for inspection.
If you require any other information please do not hesitate to contaxct me.

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