Bury Council’s budget meeting at 7 pm on Wednesday plans cuts that will decimate many essential services. The cuts are being imposed in a great rush with little or no consultation with employees or the people of Bury.
Bury Action Group will lobby and demonstrate outside Bury Town Hall from 6pm and has tabled questions for the meeting itself. Please come and join us.
These cuts will directly affect some of the most vulnerable people in Bury. Transport to school for children with special needs will be withdrawn, in some cases forcing their parents to give up work. The budget for carers who help vulnerable adults to maintain their independence will be slashed. Provision in libraries for people with sight and hearing difficulties will be cut. A hostel for the homeless may be under threat.
Young people already feel alienated by cuts to student funding and Education Maintenance Allowances. Now the young in Bury face the decimation of their youth service. Youth Parliament member Jamie Walker commented:
We think it is outrageous what the council are proposing. Just think by June of this year young people in Bury won't be able to attend their local youth centre and get the advice and support that they need. Young people need the youth centres to meet up with friends and do something productive. Without youth centres there will be nowhere for young people to go and hang out.
We are not standing by and letting this happen so join us, the youth cabinet, and the many young people who disagree with what the council’s actions outside the town hall on Wednesday
If voluntary groups like scouts try to fill the gap they will be targeted too: they will be charged to use park facilities.
The cuts attack local democracy and undermine voluntary groups. Despite widespread vocal public support, and a unanimous vote of support in full Council in December, Bury’s Local Area Partnerships will disappear and Area Managers jobs will go. Council decisions will become more remote and unassailable than they are now. Area Managers also facilitate the work of voluntary groups and help them communicate with each other and with the Council. Similarly, the Park Ranger service will be reduced even though these low-paid workers lead volunteer action days which save the Council money.
George Heron of Bury Action Group commented:
"We do not believe the cuts have the consent of the people of Bury. Members of the public packed out last week’s pre-budget ‘scrutiny’ committee to lobby and challenge the cuts, leaving standing room only. Our demonstration on Wednesday has the support of the UNITE Union. We’re expecting an even bigger turnout".
Councillors say the budget cuts are imposed by central government and they have no choice so we should not bother to protest, but, if we stay silent, central and local government will think we don’t care. Come and demonstrate your support for the frontline workers who have served us so well and protect the services we need and value. Come and join us on Wednesday at 6pm outside the Town Hall.
Bury Action Group has an e-mail address: buryactiongroup@gmail.com, a blog and a Facebook page. You can contact George Heron on 0161 798 8762.
George Heron is available to provide further information on 0161 798 8762 / 07837 614405 and possible links with other members of the group.
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