Thursday, 17 February 2011

Lib Dem Councillor Richard Baum on our campaign

Below is a response to a set of questions that were put to the Councillor on the impending cuts;

Thanks for your email.

We are hamstrung as Councillors in that we are legally obliged to set a balanced budget according to the settlement given to us by the government. So we can't avoid making cuts, even if we wanted to. Failing to set a budget would mean us being sent to prison.

I will oppose cuts specific to Prestwich as i have been doing, and hopefully we can stop these when it comes to the vote next Wednesday. 
I do disagree with you on the need to cut the budget deficit, but that's a wider point not to do with the Council budget setting vote next Wednesday. It's an interesting debate about the rich paying more, and I agree to a point, but sadly I don't think it's as simple as that (otherwise it would've been done by this government or the last one) and remember that the richer someone is the more tax they already pay.

I am hopeful for a budget on Wednesday which does protect the facilities of the people who elect me, and that's what I'll be trying to achieve

Best wishes

Richard Baum
Liberal Democrat Councillor - St Mary's Ward


1 comment:

  1. The LibDem hypocracy goes on and on. Baum will vote for cuts, but oppose those in his ward. No doubt come May he'll be claiming to be anti-Tory and anti-cuts. Here's news for you sunshine - the people of Bury are not as stupid as you appear to believe, and your role as local arm of this unelected junta is clear for all to see. The local elections will see your party obliterated at local level, leading to panic and disintegration at national level. Enjoy the trappings of power whilst they last.

    PS - The rich paying more tax. You'll need that sense of humour in the difficult period ahead.
