Wednesday, 23 February 2011

UNISON statement on the campaign

Most of you will be aware of proposals going before council that if passed will result in significant job losses. An action group “bury against the cuts” has very recently been set up to protest against all cuts to the council budgets. As yet no decision has been made by the UNISON Bury branch executive committee on whether we will be joining with this grouping.

 The branch do of course want to build the widest possible support for opposing both the current proposals and the nationally driven cuts in local government that will undoubtedly have a devastating effect on all our jobs. We will report back on any decision to affiliate or not to this or any other such group once we have had discussions with representatives of the group.

The branch have also been made aware of a rumour that members are not allowed to attend the 6 pm lobby at tomorrow nights (Wed 23rd) budget setting meeting as UNISON has not called for the lobby in defence of our jobs.

As we understand it there is no known impediment to people attending the rally and exercising their rights and lobby their councillors in defence of their jobs.

We would urge all members to attend the lobby at 6 pm Town hall Bury and as long as they act responsibly and stay within the law we expect our rights to protest to be observed. If any member has information to the contrary we would be grateful if they would contact us asap.

UNISON along with many other trades unions are holding a national demonstration on the 26th March in London to protest at the speed and depth of the proposed cuts and we would encourage all members to visit our website for details of branch travel arrangements etc.

Stephen Morton

Branch Secretary

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